front runner


front runner

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Rimmaavat sanat

front runner rimmaa näiden kanssa:

manner, tanner, sotatanner, taistelutanner, kinner...

Katso kaikki

Englannin sanakirja

front runner (englanti > suomi)

  1. ennakkosuosikki

front runner englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä Any of the most likely winners in a contest, election, etc.

  2. 1955 May 9, ",9171,861458,00.html Sport: First-Division Tigers," Time (retrieved 19 May 2014):

  3. The American League pennant did not shape up as much of a race. There were the Indians and the Yankees, front runners as usual.
  4. 2013 Aug. 25, Georgi Kantchev, " World Expositions Can Benefit or Haunt Host Cities," New York Times (retrieved 19 May 2014):

  5. Dubai, which would be the first host of a world’s fair in the Middle East, has emerged as the front-runner, offering the most financial and governmental support.
  6. puhekieltä One who engages in front running.
